Video from Christopher Adams on Youtube.
Iran needed weapons for the Iran-Iraq war. U.S. laws prevented Iran from obtaining advanced U.S. weapons. Israel offered to sell Iran its U.S. TOW missiles if the U.S. would replenish its supply. Reagan approved these sales when Israeli officials raised the possibility of improved U.S.-Iran relations and hostage release in Beirut. Arms deals occurred through Israel until transportation problems arose.
To resolve this, President Reagan signed a “Finding” authorizing direct arms sales to Iran but it wasn’t reported to Congress as required. Illegal covert arms deals occurred but only three hostages were released. The Enterprise channeled $3.8 million from these sales to the Contras. North documented one such transfer in an April 1986 “Diversion Memorandum.”
January 17, 1986 Finding Source: National Security Archive
Diversion Memorandum Source: National Security Archives
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